Alyssa is an experienced writer who has made significant contributions to various magazines, sharing her insights on topics ranging from anxiety and depression to recovering from narcissistic abuse. Her writing style is both practical and empathetic, offering valuable guidance to readers. Alongside her role as a regular writer for The Knot and Mental Health Expert on Popsugar's advisory board, Alyssa has also produced notable work for mindbodygreen. To read her contributions for The Knot, click here, and to explore her work for mindbodygreen, click here.
Welcome to my curated selection of interviews!
Featured in
Alyssa’s Video Interviews
Alyssa’s Featured Interviews
How To Make Your Partner Feel Emotionally Seen
5 Steps to Help Deal With Rejection
Taking Your Time In New Relationships
8 Self Love Habits To Do In The Morning
Oprah magazine
How to Increase Intimacy
How Long Should You Stay In Therapy?
well + good
There Are 4 Types of Intimacy
Why You Should Ask Before Unloading
Podcast & Media Interviews
Guys We F****D
Recognizing Codependency
This Filipino American Life
Mental Health Care
Inside Edition
‘Zoom Dysmorphia’
Healing Your Inner Child
Hot Happy Mess
Finding A Therapist
Dear Shandy
Navigating Enmeshment
Cleaning up the Mental Mess
How EMDR can Help With PTSD
Box Lunch
Identity in Pop Culture

Explore Lia's Extensive Media Coverage
Interested In Collaborating?
If you're interested in collaborating with Alyssa to produce engaging written content, explore the intersection of mental wellness and your product through social media collaborations, or feature her in interviews, we would love to hear from you. Please send your request to and we'll get back to you promptly. Thank you for considering Alyssa as a partner in your efforts to promote mental health and well-being